Holi 2020 Wishes and Quotes for WhatsApp,Facebook - Happy Holi Festival Wiki

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Monday, 15 January 2018

Holi 2020 Wishes and Quotes for WhatsApp,Facebook

Holi 2020 Wishes and Quotes for WhatsApp, Facebook

Happy Holi 2019 time to celebrate with your family and friends here we share Holi 2020 wishes and quotes which you share on Facebook, WhatsApp etc so here we share some best image of Holi.

*Holi images 2020
Holi images 2020
Holi images 2020
*picture of holi festival
picture of holi festival
picture of holi festival
 *images of holi festival in cartoon
images of holi festival in cartoon
images of holi festival in cartoon
holi images hd
Holi images HD
 Holi 2020 Wishes and Quotes for WhatsApp, Facebook
holi images hd
holi images hd

Holi is not a celebration it is a festival in India. Every year Indians celebrate Holi in the month of February and March. Every festival has some moto or story and holi have a story also, this story has a Four character number one is king Hiranyakashyap number two is Holi and his son Prahlad and last but no least Lord Narayana (Vishnu).

Hiranyakashyap thinks that he is the power so he didn't believe in God and He did not even like to hear the name of Lord Vishnu of the gods but his son Prahlad was the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu.This thing was not liked by Hiranyakashipu, he scared his son in many ways and prevented the worship of Lord Vishnu, but Prahlada did not listen to one who was absorbed in the devotion of his Lord. One day, Hiranyakasip made a plan, according to which, he made a plan according to which he told his sister Holika (Holika had a boon that she was conquered on fire, that she could not burn the fire), sitting with Prahlad on the altar of fire.

Prahalad sat on the altar with his grandfather and became absorbed in the devotion of his god. Then suddenly the Holika started burning and the sky became, according to which the Holika was reminded that if she misused her boon, she would herself be burnt to ashes and So did happen. Prahalad's fire did not spoil anything and the Holika was consumed by burning. Likewise, the people celebrated the joy that day, and till today, the day is celebrated in the name of Holika Dahan and they celebrate this day from Rango the next day.

In Middle India and Maharashtra, color is more important to the people. People make a group and take color, gulal and go to each other's house and paint each other and say "do not believe in Holi". In Indore city of central India, there is a different feeling of Holi, it is called "no" of Rang Panchami, in which entire Indore city comes together and collects at the place called Rajbada, water tankers filled with colorful water on each other The festival will be celebrated and danced. Preparation is done for such an event 15 days in advance.

This festival of Rango is also called the "Falgun Festival" in which the old songs are sung in Braj's language. The leaf of cannabis is also a special part of Holi. After being addicted to drunkenness, they all dance with each other after forgetting all the gill squirts from one another.

Many dishes are made in homes on Holi. A special dish is prepared in every festival of our country full of tastes.

A day before the Holi of colors, people remember the mythology of Holika Dahan by burning the stacks of timber, grass, and dung at night. It is believed that on this day, all the members of the family get rid of the mustard sour massage on the body, the filth of the body and the house becomes clearer and the happiness and positive powers of the house are entered.

On the next day of Holika Dahan, all the people play colors with their friends, family, and relatives. On this day, kids throw colors in pots and pitchers and throw them on others. Everyone embraces each other and embraces each other, and with Abir, they express their love and affection. On this special occasion, all of them make sweets, yogurt, salted, papad, etc. in their home.
Be sure to keep Holi, this 10 precautions.

The festival of Holi i.e. the festival of Holi i.e. the sunshine. Although there is no limit to fun on Holi, it is important to have certain precautions related to health and beauty. Keep these 5 things special on Holi, so that there is no break in the color of Holi -

1. Special care is required for skin protection. Whenever Holi leaves to play, before you take any oil cream or oil, ghee or cream after skin so that the colors do not have any effect on the skin.

2. Try hard to save hair from color. Colors can make your hair curl, lifeless and weak. They may also lose your hair nutrition.

3. If the color is gone in the eyes while playing Holi, then immediately wash the eyes with clean water. If there is too much irritation after washing the eyes, then show the doctor without delay.

4. If the balloon is accidentally done on the eyes or the bleeding comes out, cover the eyes with cotton cloth or foam first. After that, show the doctor.

5. Keep in mind when playing Holi with the market green, it has found copper sulfate, which can cause problems like allergies, swelling blindness in the eyes. Take special care of this matter.

6. Do not use Silver bright color. It contains aluminum bromide, which can be responsible for skin cancer. At the same time, lead oxide present in black badly affects the kidney.

7. Play Holly but play it in full consciousness. More intoxication affects your health, sometimes due to unintended incidents, too. Play Holly safely.

8. Avoid consuming sweets of the market. These can be adulterated, which can prove to be dangerous for you. Have plenty of homemade dishes because they are made with purity?

9. In Holi's fun, there are many fights and quarrels, but do not forget that it is a festival of brother-in-law. Maintain mutual brotherhood and celebrate Holi with beautiful colors.

10. Try using herbal colors. These colors have no side effects and they can be easily made at home. Well there are also herbal colors available in the market.